Criar uma Loja Virtual Grátis

Elementos: Lutador/ Normal

Bônus dos Ranks:

Gardestrike Fist
5% atk/def com pokémons fight/ normal.

Gardestrike Tamer
10% atk/def com pokémons fight/ normal.
Não é necessário alimentar os pokémons do elemento do clã.

Gardestrike Fighter
15% atk/def com pokémons fight/ normal.
Heal 4x com pokémons fight/ normal.

Gardestrike Deathhand
20% atk/def com pokémons fight/ normal.
Os pokémons do elemento do clã acertam pokémons do tipo Ghost com efetividade 50%.

Gardestrike Champion
25% atk/def com pokémons fight/ normal.


Gardestrike Fist (level 90+)
Items: 2.000 rubber balls, 2.000 band aids and 10 iron bracelets.
Catch: Primeape
Kill: 30 clefairys, 250 gravelers, 30 lickitungs, 150 onix and 50 cloysters.
Kill: 100 golems, 20 kangaskhans and 120 dewgongs.
Pokémons para a Danger Room : Togetic, Stantler, Primeape, Shiny Raticate, Furret e Tauros.
Sugestões para a Danger Room : Orebound e Garderstrike

Gardestrike Tamer (level 100+)
Items: 2.500 rubber balls, 2.500 band aids and 15 topknots.
Catch: Clefable
Kill: 75 sandslashs, 75 fearows, 60 vileplumes and 130 kadabras.
Kill: 50 alakazams, 50 venusaurs, 40 magmars and 50 lapras.
Pokémons para a Danger Room : Clefable, Wigglytuff, Lickitung, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan e Granbull.
Sugestões para a Danger Room : Seavell e Wingeon 

Gardestrike Fighter (level 110+)
Items: 20 microphones, 3.000 rubber balls and 3.000 band aids.
Catch: Machamp
Kill: 50 gyarados, 62 venusaurs, 50 magmars and 62 lapras.
Kill: 60 pinsirs, 90 fearows, 70 hypnos and 50 weezings.
Pokémons  para a Danger Room : Miltank, Ursaring, Snorlax, Chansey, Kangaskam e Machamp.
Sugestões para a Danger Room : Malefic e Raibolt

Gardestrike Deathhand (level 120+)
Items: 3.800 band aids, 3.800 rubber balls, 35 kanga ears e 2 belts of champion.
Catch: Snorlax
Kill: 180 vileplumes, 100 haunters, 300 machokes, 50 mrmimes.
Kill: 60 alakazams, 100 rhydons, 40 gengars, 120 machamps.
Pokémons para a Danger Room : Ursaring, Porygon2, Snorlax, Elite Hitmonlee, Elite Hitmonchan e Blissey.
Sugestões para a Danger Room : Volcanic e Naturia