Naturia Seed
5% atk/def com pokémons grass/bug.
Naturia Sprout
10% atk/def com pokémons grass/bug.
Não é necessário alimentar pokémons do elemento do clã.
Naturia Webhead
15% atk/def com pokémons grass/bug.
Heal 4x em pokémons do elemento do clã.
Naturia Woodtrunk
20% atk/def com pokémons grass/bug.
Naturia Keeper
25% atk/def com pokémons grass/bug.
Naturia Seed (level 90+)
Items: 2.000 seed, 2.000 bug gosmes and 10 butterfly wing.
Catch: Tangela
Kill: 150 onix, 70 starmies, 250 gravelers, 30 seadras, 50 sandslashes and 70 marowaks.
Kill: 60 golems and 70 blastoises.
Pokémons para a Danger Room : Shiny Butterfree, Victreebel, Vileplume, Yanma, Sunflora e Jumpluff.
Danger Rooms recomendadas: gardestrike e rock.
Naturia Sprout (level 100+)
Items: 2.500 seeds, 2.500 bug gosmes and 15 plant tail.
Catch: Pinsir
Kill: 80 pinsirs, 80 parasects, 100 wartortles and 60 pikachus.
Kill: 90 jynxs, 60 kangaskhans and 40 blastoises.
Pokémons para a Danger Room : Shiny Butterfree, Shiny Beedrill, Forretress, Exeggutor, Tangela e Pinsir.
Danger Rooms recomendadas: water e naturia.
Naturia Webhead (level 110+)
Items:3000 seed , 3000 bug gosme and 20 blue vines.
Catch: Scyther
Kill: 126 jynxs, 84 kangaskhans and 56 blastoises.
Kill: 60 rapidashs, 100 golbats, 80 pidgeots and 100 charmeleons.
Pokémons para a Danger Room : Scizor, Venusaur, Heracross, Meganium, Scyther e Shiny Pinsir.
Danger Rooms recomendadas: raibolt e psycraft.
Naturia Woodtrunk (level 120+)
Items:3.800 seeds, 3.800 bug gosmes, 35 bulbs, 2 scythes.
Catch: Venusaur
Kill:75 rapidashs 100 pidgeots 125 golbats 125 charmeleons
Kill:70 nidokings 100 charizards 70 nidoqueens 60 magmars 60 scythers
Pokémons para a Danger Room : Shiny Tangela, Shiny Pinsir, Shiny Scyther, Shiny Venusaur, Shiny Vileplume e Scizor.
Danger Rooms recomendadas: wingeon e malefic.