Raibolt Shock
12% atk/ def em pokémons electric.
Raibolt Watt
17% atk/ def em pokémons electric.
Não é necessário alimentar pokémons do elemento do clã.
Raibolt Electrician
22% atk/ def em pokémons electric.
Heal 4x em pokémons do elemento do clã.
Raibolt Overcharged
27% atk/ def em pokémons electric.
Os pokémons não levam paralize.
Os pokémons do elemento do clã acertam pokémons dos tipos Rock e Earth com efetividade 50%.
Raibolt Legend
32% atk/ def em pokémons electric.
Raibolt Shock (level 90+)
Items: 4.000 screws and 10 magnets.
Catch: Electrode.
Kill: 48 farfetch'ds, 30 slowbros, 30 kinglers and 150 fearows.
Kill: 150 pidgeots and 60 blastoises.
Pokémons para a Danger Room: Shiny Voltorb, Magneton, Electrode, Jolteon, Lanturn e Elekid.
Sugestões de Danger Room: Orebound e Garderstrike
Raibolt Watt (level 100+)
Items: 5.000 screws and 15 magnets.
Catch: Magneton
Kill: 85 charmeleons 100 machokes 75 haunters 90 arboks
Kill: 45 gengars, 40 lickitungs, 40 mr. mimes and 40 kangaskhans.
Pokémons para a Danger Room: Shiny Electrode, Jolteon, Flaaffy, Pikachu, Electabuzz, Raichu.
Sugestões de Danger Room: Volcanic e Naturia
Raibolt Electrician (level 110+)
Items: 6.000 screws and 20 electric rat tails.
Catch: Raichu
Kill: 56 gengars, 58 kangaskhans, 50 mr. mimes and 56 ninetales.
Kill :70 onixs, 60 marowaks, 45 sandslashs and 100 gravelers.
Pokémons para a Danger Room: Shiny Raichu, Shiny Electrode, Ampharos, Raichu, Electabuzz, Jolteon.
Sugestões de Danger Room: Wingeon e Seavell
Raibolt Overcharged (level 120+)
Items: 7.500 screws, 35 electric rat tails and 2 electric tail.
Catch: Electabuzz
Kill: 87 onixs 56 sandslashs 125 gravelers 75 marowaks
Kill: 110 rhydons 80 venusaurs 90 golems and 30 snorlax.
Pokémons para a Danger Room: Shiny Jolteon, Shiny Electabuzz, Shiny Raichu, Shiny Electrode, Electabuzz e Ampharos.
Sugestões de Danger Room: Psycraft e Malefic